Saturday, October 27, 2012


Since Romney's got Idaho in the bag, we're not too busy with presidential campaign stuff, but that doesn't mean Trevor isn't crazy busy with all of Idaho's state elections. He's gone all day and all night. He goes to work, comes home for dinner (sometimes), then leaves for different debates and fundraisers EVERY NIGHT! If it's a debate on a topic or race I'm interested in, then I'll go with him, but most of the time I just prefer to stay home :]

But whenever a big name comes into town, I definitely tag along. A little bit ago I got to see Anne Romney (love her!), then this week, Eric Cantor. If you don't know who he is, that's alright, I probably wouldn't either if Trevor didn't have a major crush on him. He's the House Majority Leader and Representative for Virginia. "He's MY representative" and "I voted for him" are two things Trevor often says with a big, proud grin on his face.

Well, the other night Trevor got to meet him! I thought it was just going to be a quick handshake, but once Trev said he's from Richmond too, Cantor stopped and started chatting with him. There were other pictures with both of them smiling, but they were all blurry. It was adorable.

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