Tuesday, October 6, 2015


My mom just left after spending the week with us. It was so much fun! Having her here reminded me that I never blogged about my Idaho trip this summer! After Austin, Rosie and I headed up to Idaho. We were planning on only being there for a week and a half, but since Trev still had a few weeks left of his internship, I decided to stay in Idaho 2 extra weeks! Since I was super pregnant with a 2-year-old it made more sense to stay where I had extra help. Plus I'm too much of a scaredy-cat to live by myself... Rosie fit in well to farm life and I loved sharing parts of my childhood with her.

Whenever we needed to release the wiggles (for a toddler that's every other 5 minutes), we'd head to the pasture. There were cows to moo at, dogs to chase, and rocks to stomp on. She particularly loved the rocks.

Rosie's in there somewhere.

I found one of my old coloring books, and Rosie went through and fixed some of the pictures...I guess I used to sign my coloring pictures? The red eyes were Rosie's contribution.

Although Rosie and I both missed Trevor like crazy, it was so nice to have my mom and Jim take care of us both for 3 straight weeks! Thank you!!!!

BONUS! We also made a quick stop to Utah and got to briefly see some family and friends!

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