Monday, October 4, 2010


We just finished our Lord of the Rings week. We watched all three extended versions!!!!!(special thanks to Megan for lending them to us). Do you know how long that is??? Really long. But it was fun. At first it was hard to get past Trevor quoting every line of the movie...and tearing up ever so often, but over all it was really fun! And now, all on my own, I'm watching the extras! And those are even longer than the movies.

And did you know that Bret from The Flight of the Conchords is in the 1st and 3rd movie? It just makes LOTR that much better.

We enjoyed our marathon but are ready to move on to other movies.


  1. I was always so confused by the slight attention given to this character. NOW I KNOW WHY!! I love this so much. Of course he was a random elf saying "My Lady!" Brabra. nana's tea party. FANTASTIC!

  2. you guys are the best.
