Sunday, January 9, 2011

Site C in D.C.

Last week we spent a couple days in D.C. site seeing, and thank the heavens that the weather was better than last time. Around the time of the Presidential Inaugurations, two years ago, I was in D.C. and it was freezing. I think it may have even been colder than Rexburg! But this trip it was sunny and delightful. The city was also swearing in all of the new Congressmen. It was busy, busy, busy up on the Hill. So I suppose it is now a tradition for me to go every two years when someone new is entering an office.

We spent most of our time in Art museums. I loved the first one we went to. It had the classics. Picasso, Van Gough, Rembrandt which were really exciting to see.

The other museums we went to held only modern art. Which is fine and all, but I feel like the majority of it was just works from people trying to be weird. For example, they had a special exhibit on display that we hiked three floors to get to. And what did we see? 12 canvases painted black, and I don’t know why. However, I did enjoy a lot of the sculptures and found some of the paintings very innovative.

The only Davinci painting in the Western Hemisphere. Kind of cool!

Van Gogh's ugly baby

They had a display of funky hand sculptures. Probably my favorite.

Trevor knows everything there is to know about Dinosaurs. Who knew?!?


  1. I am so happy about the dino knowledge. Just kind of completes him. I think Van Gough and I used the same model. Don't you see the similarity to my Colossus picture? Hehe.

  2. you guys are the funnest! isn't it the best when you realize your husband knows everything about everything?!!!!! i'm always figuring that out. cutiesss!!!

  3. Megan- that picture still freaks me out.
    Lindsey - how fun! Thats so cool that you get to go all around there site seeing, I want to see DC!
