Thursday, May 30, 2013

Back to Yoga

These pictures have nothing to do with this post. I just thought they were cute.
Yesterday was my first hot yoga class since finding out I was pregnant a year-ish ago. I did a home practice throughout pregnancy (which really helped make pregnancy comfortable) but it was a really relaxed, easy going practice. Meaning I was going to get my butt kicked once I returned to class, which made me scared and nervous. But I finally signed up for class, squeezed my belly pooch into my spandex, and headed to class EARLY so I could set up my mat in the back corner.

I guess my "early" is everyone else’s "late" because the only spot left was right up front next to the teacher. UG. Meaning 30 people were going to watch me and my weak body wobble through the poses. I know that's not what yoga is about, but I was already feeling anxious, and I didn't like the idea of everyone seeing just how weak I had become. But then I remembered - I'm a mom! I just CREATED and gave BIRTH to a baby!!! Nothing weak about that! I then felt incredibly strong and confident and didn't care who saw me fall on my face.

And fall I did. But that's ok! The class was wonderful and I loved being back in that sweaty room. After sharing my body with little Rosie for 9 months, it was nice to be by myself and reconnect with my body. And now every part of my body aches. But a good ache.


  1. I love her all sprawled! So cute.

    I tried running again this week and it was a pathetic attempt. Great reminder of what our bodies have been through and we should be grateful for giving birth and not expect to be back where we were beforehand. It will be a progress.

  2. Haha! Belly pooch...spandex....
    I've been thinking a lot about hot yoga lately...I feel like I keep hearing about I'm supposed to keep hearing about it...hmmm....
    Well good for you! How weird was it being away from Rosie?!
    SHE IS SO CUTE!!! And getting so big. Please PLEASE come see us?!!

  3. It's hard being away but isn't it so LIBERATING?!?!? I am so PROUD OF YOU!!!! You are SO STRONG!!! She is so beautiful. Love you!! :)

  4. you go girl!!! you are the BEST!!! proud of you! strong &confident!
